Given the context we are experiencing in 2020, our traditional Christmas dinner gave way to a very special action!

Since it was impossible for us to gather for dinner, Link Group decided to make a donation to two Social Solidarity Institutions selected by our employees.

The selected Institutions were:

  • Acreditar Associação de Pais e Amigos das Crianças com Cancro
  • Associação das Aldeias de Crianças SOS de Portugal



To make this gesture even more special, we invited some of our employees to record a video with a comforting and warming message.

We delivered our video together with the donation as a way of trying to offer, besides monetary help, a gesture of comfort and care for those who are more needed!

We would like to congratulate these two Institutions which have been performing such an important work for those in need.


Link Family is happy for having the opportunity of making someone smile

We invite everyone to see our Link video here in portuguese: