October, 2023

The Triennial Conference of the DLM Forum, recently held in Salamanca, Spain on October 23rd and 24th, addressed the crucial issue of preserving our digital heritage. Hosted by the General Archive of the State of Spain and Umbus S.L., the event brought together experts, archivists, and stakeholders to discuss the ever-present challenges of preserving and connecting data in the digital society.

The main theme of the conference was appropriately titled “Preserving and Connecting: Data in the Digital Society.” Participants examined the role of archives and institutions in safeguarding digital records and ensuring the continuity of our digital heritage in an era where information is increasingly created and stored in digital formats.

One of the notable highlights of the conference was the presentation of ATLAS, a project aimed at automating the ingestion of data sources and generating artifacts of Enterprise Architecture Electronic Archiving (AE). This cutting-edge technology promises to revolutionize the preservation and management of digital records, offering more efficient and comprehensive solutions for archivists and organizations dealing with the challenges of preserving digital data.

During the event, a segment of the ATLAS presentation was showcased, giving participants a glimpse of the project’s innovative approach to harmonizing model-based e-Archiving approaches. The presentation, “Harmonizing Model-Based Approaches to Electronic Archiving,” revealed how ATLAS can streamline the complex process of preserving digital records and ensuring their accessibility for future generations.

The conference also provided an opportunity for participants to discuss the importance of international cooperation and standards in the field of digital preservation. As digital data becomes increasingly essential to our society, the need for a cohesive and robust approach to preservation is more critical than ever.

To learn more about the discussions and presentations at the Triennial Conference of the DLM Forum, you can access the program details at this link.

The conference’s focus on preserving digital heritage highlights the importance of our collective efforts to safeguard the wealth of information that defines our modern world. As technology evolves, events like these provide a platform for experts to share knowledge and explore innovative solutions, ensuring that our digital legacy endures for future generations.

More Information: Atlas