
Business Continuity Plan

For Link Group Companies, health and safety are of the utmost importance. As a result of the continued growth of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), we want to share with you some of the decisions we made to ensure the wellbeing of our employees and our clients’ employees, while guaranteeing the continuity of the business and the service to our clients. Thus, and in addition to having activated our BCP (Business Continuity Plan) for epidemiological situations:

• We reinforced the infrastructure to allow widespread teleworking
• All employees whose activity allows it are teleworking
• We maintained a minimum team to guarantee the operationality of the infrastructures
• All unavoidable journeys are made by private transport
• With the exception of critical cases, such as repatriation of employees, all travel has been suspended
• Whenever possible, all interventions in client systems are done remotely
• We eliminate face-to-face meetings, except when this is not possible
• We align with the policies expressed by our clients whenever they have stated them
• We institute regular non-face-to-face meetings between project teams to ensure coordination and efficiency in project execution
• A structure was established involving management and directors to monitor the development of the situation, manage the needs of our clients and fulfill our commitments

Link has sufficient means and resources to maintain the continuity of the services contracted or that may be contracted by all of our clients.

We will take into account any relevant additional information.

For any additional question or clarification, please contact your client manager or at
