One of the largest credit agencies in Germany recently enlisted the consulting services provided by Link’s EAMS solution unit. Interestingly, since the agency only operates in the German market, their first contact was via Link’s institutional site (EAMS microsite), which they accessed after being introduced to Link at an event, and realising we were eventually capable of meeting the challenges they were facing at the time.
What really makes this project unique, as described by Mário Duarte (director of EAMS unit), is the fact that the company has accepted the proposal of services presented by Link without ever having been at a face-to-face meeting, since all meetings were held by videoconference. The absence of face-to-face contact proves, in fact, that EAMS is an internationally interesting solution which differentiates itself from its competitors.
One preliminary consulting service consisted essentially of contextualizing EAMS as an enterprise design tool and defining how it would be integrated with other platforms and IT management tools (modelling business processes, managing requirements, testing, etc.). This first consulting service was followed by a second one, which aimed at defining the rules that would apply when modelling processes and IT in order to make it possible for EAMS to be automatically integrated with process (BPMN) and system (Archimate and UML) modelling systems.
The credit agency’s feedback on the consulting services provided by Professor Pedro Sousa (responsible for the Enterprise Design area) is the ultimate proof of customer satisfaction. A company representative was impressed “not only by the theoretical view that the Professor has in this area, based on solid concepts, but also with the ability to apply this view to our reality, creating a solution focused on what has been proposed, and most suitable for our purposes.”
What in fact was more appealing to the German agency was the time display offered by EAMS and the evolution of the design it captures with reduced repository maintenance effort. Mário Duarte confirms this perspective and considers this the innovative element of EAMS: “what differentiates Link’s approach from the competition is that we not only represent the current reality of organizations, but above all, we capture the planned evolution of the design. We can have, therefore, a big picture of the design evolution: not only the history of what it was in the past, but also a preview of what it will be like in the future. This is very important, because organizations are not static, they evolve, and this will impact the relationships established between the design elements, between applications, and between processes.”
*One of our internal policies at Link is the respect for our customers’ internal policies. For that reason, we decided not to mention the name of the credit agency.