

Experts in electric mobility and energy solutions.

Energy transition: a multidimensional challenge

Link makes it easier to find the answers

The energy transition is a colossal challenge with countless dimensions. Energy produced from sustainable sources only becomes an alternative when it is actually available to users. In electric mobility, for example, this requires new distribution networks, new business models, new forms of regulation and collaboration, including between competitors.

And this is just one of the fronts. In parallel, there is also the efficiency challenge, which implies optimizing the distribution of energy and a more rational management of its consumption.

In all these dimensions, technology is decisive.  Fortunately, you can count on Link.

Link has the experience to help

Having worked for many years with major energy producers, retailers or regulators, Link’s specialists developed a deep understanding of the various business areas and their challenges. Our teams have implemented a significant number of business solutions covering customer experience scenarios and electric mobility management, as well as energy network optimization.

In the crucial field of electric mobility in particular, Link is at the forefront, with projects such as EMMA: an electric mobility management application for both electric mobility service providers (eMSP) and charging point operators (CPO).

Ensuring full adherence to European communication standards and real-time visibility of the operation, EMMA makes integration with other players a matter of hours. With an integrated, ready-to-use set of APIs, it allows organizations to focus on their business models and market differentiation rather than yet another IT project.

How can we help


Manage your electric mobility needs with a “plug-and-play” solution – EMMA

Awards & Certifications

The excellence of our work is certified by CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), a reference model in software development practices, developed by SEI (Software Engineering Institute). We are also a certified company in the area of Quality (ISO 9001), RDI – Research, Development and Innovation (NP 4457), Environment and Safety and Health at Work and an SME Excellence, which is on the list of the best 20 companies to work in the area of Information Technology.