

Atlas, News, Products

Atlas Release

In June, the launch of the Atlas was held in Lisbon and Leiria for some guests. It was possible in this event to present the new functionalities of the product and how these allow to facilitate the construction maintenance of...

Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

Managing your Organization transformation through Project Portfolio Management Atlas allows the configuration of bidirectional relationships between transformation projects and architecture elements. In one hand, the project planning requires the observation of the organization expected TO-BE state, given that the AS-IS...

Application Portfolio Management (APM)

Continuous Management of the Organization Application Portfolio In Application Portfolio Management (APM) configuration, Atlas allows to: Publish surveys to business users which result in business analyses; Publish surveys to the technical team for quality assessment of each solution; Solution structure...

Enterprise Architecture (EA)

An insight into the current and emerging architecture of your Organization The key aspects of Atlas regarding EA are: Effortless maintenance; Simple and common language between stakeholdersusers; Time Travel Moreover, Atlas also supports: Friendly and simple architecture blueprints generation; Navigation...
Atlas, Projects, Solutions


Atlas is an instrument to deal with the complexity inherent to the transformation of organizations. It shows not only the organization current architecture but also the future ones, as one moves the time bar forward. Future architecture´s states are computed on a day-by-day basis by consolidating the expected outcome of each project in the pipeline, both on-going and planed. Being able to see the architecture emerging from the ongoing project pipeline on a day-by-day basis is essential for planning and decision making of new transformation initiatives.