July, 2024

In the rapidly evolving financial sector, Fund Management firms face numerous challenges and staying ahead of the curve requires more than just conventional methods. Increased competition, new business models driven by technology, stricter regulations, and ever-growing client expectations demand innovative solutions. At Link Consulting, we understand this pressing need. That’s why we created InvestOnBox, our flagship product designed to revolutionize how clients interact with fund managers, offering a ready-to-use intuitive platform for client onboarding, portfolio visualization, and performing operations such as subscriptions, reinforcements, and redemptions. In this article, we highlight its added value and go from theory to practice with SGF success story.

New growth levers in Fund Management

Traditionally, fund managers have relied heavily on bank and partner distribution networks to reach their clients. This approach, while effective, often limits their reach and potential growth. InvestOnBox, backed by 20+ years of Link’s experience in the financial sector and built on the foundation of BankOnBox, changes the game by providing a direct channel for fund managers to attract clients worldwide, including new segments like cryptocurrency investors. It significantly lowers acquisition costs and opens up vast opportunities for growth in the Fund Management landscape.

Embracing the PEPP

InvestOnBox platform is also well-positioned to leverage the adoption of the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP). Available since March 2024 and legislated in Portugal, the PEPP offers a new avenue for citizens across Europe to save for retirement and mitigate income loss post-retirement.

The PEPP was introduced by the European Commission to address the dual challenges of declining retirement incomes and low uptake of individual pension plans among Europeans. Predictions indicate that by 2045, retirees relying solely on public pension systems will receive approximately half of their last salary. However, only 27% of Europeans aged 25 to 59 currently have an individual pension savings plan.

With the aging population and the increasing strain on public pension systems, the PEPP aims to provide a straightforward and accessible investment option that complements public pensions and other social protection schemes. The InvestOnBox platform’s digital onboarding capabilities and user-friendly app make it an ideal tool for facilitating PEPP subscriptions, even for non-resident European citizens. This adaptability and ease of use ensure that our clients can efficiently offer PEPPs to a broader audience, driving further growth and innovation in the pension savings market.

Key benefits of InvestOnBox

With InvestOnBox, fund managers can address clients demand for seamless, secure, and instant access to their financial portfolios, giving them the ability to manage investments from anywhere, at any time, with robust security. But there’s much more.

User-friendly experience: InvestOnBox app has the user in mind. With an intuitive interface, clients can swiftly navigate through the onboarding process, monitor their portfolios, and execute transactions. This ensures high adoption rates and client satisfaction, driving business growth.

Innovation at its core: At the heart of InvestOnBox is a commitment to innovation, now and in the future. Our platform evolves with clients and market needs and leverages cutting-edge technology to offer advanced features that keep you ahead in the world of investments.

Enhanced security: Security is paramount in this industry, and we take it seriously. With top-tier protocols, our platform ensures that client data and transactions are protected against cyber threats, providing peace of mind to both fund managers and their clients.

Flexibility and personalization: Every business is unique, and InvestOnBox is built to adapt. The solution can be customized to meet the specific reality of different companies, accommodating various investment strategies and regulatory requirements.

Smooth integration: Integrating a new platform can be daunting but with our Fund Management platform the process is smooth and hassle-free, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations. There’s no steep learning curve, allowing your team to get up and running quickly.

Exceptional customer support: Our dedicated team is always available to assist with implementation, answer operational queries, and provide ongoing training and resources. You are never alone on your journey. More than a provider, we are your strategic partner in growth.

Efficiency and time savings: InvestOnBox automates and simplifies several processes, freeing up valuable time that can be redirected towards strategic areas. By reducing the manual workload, fund managers can focus on what truly matters – making informed decisions and growing their client base.

From theory to practice: SGF Success Story

SGF, a seasoned Fund Management firm with over 30 years in the savings market, had a clear goal: to provide their clients with an exceptional experience. They needed an all-in-one platform that would enable clients to open accounts in minutes, subscribe to or move funds effortlessly, and consult their investments through an intuitive interface, with analyses and graphs to facilitate decision-making. Additionally, they sought a solution that would facilitate regulatory compliance and data security and could continuously capture data about user’s behavior as the basis for future improvements.

As a platform that allows creating a comprehensive client portal quickly, simply, and tailored to all SGF requirements, InvestOnBox emerged as the perfect option.

Main features

  • Seamless onboarding: Clients can upload a photo of their ID, and the platform automatically extracts the necessary data. Identity verification is performed using biometric data captured via video, and a digital signature completes the registration process.
  • Comprehensive portfolio management: Once registered, clients can easily manage their investments. The platform provides tools to move funds, analyze profitability, review and sign documents, and communicate securely with their account manager – all accessible via their mobile devices.
  • Easy personalization and operation: Transparent integration with existing business systems eliminates the need for manual data entry by account managers. The customizable user interface allows for a full alignment with SGF’s branding, and the back-office tools simplify client management and system configuration. The firm can change functionalities and settings without programming, gaining maximum autonomy.

SGF’s journey with InvestOnBox reflects the platform’s transformative impact on Fund Management. Teresa Monteiro, Product Owner at Golden SGF, shared their positive experience:

“SGF is investing in digital solutions to offer its clients a seamless digital onboarding experience, an intuitive application for fund consultation, and a secure communication channel. InvestOnBox from Link meets these goals by providing a user-friendly digital platform that ensures security and regulatory compliance.”

Want to learn more about how InvestOnBox can enhance your Fund Management firm’s capabilities? Contact us to schedule a demo and explore the possibilities.