Cloud Apps – a new way of developing applications
The public cloud is increasingly being adopted to build and running applications, a trend that will not end the near future. According to IDC, in the next four years worldwide public cloud services spending will more than double, and Platform…
Amanda Mourão,
6 years ago
3 min read
Link Consulting’s Leiria Polo is getting proportion
In order to cope with the growth of its activity and widen the recruitment of young talents, Link Consulting chose in 2018 the city of Leiria to create its regional centers, due to its centrality and business and academic dynamism….
Amanda Mourão,
6 years ago
1 min read
Are you ready for a new mindset ?
“Let´s Link” is a program started in Brazil, focusing on new “mindset”, aligned with “digital era” practices. The program involves more than 200 employees, 40 are managers and team coordinators. All are fully involved with new management models and culture…
Amanda Mourão,
6 years ago
1 min read
A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) program to help our Customers address Digital Transformation challenges
Everybody is aware of the impact of technology in daily life and business. However, this impact is not merely a linear growth, but, due to the acceleration of technology development fueled by digital technology, an almost exponential curve in a...
Amanda Mourão,
6 years ago
4 min read
Speaking with your bank
The financial sector is in a complete sole searching quest for their future business models. Being an industry that essentially deals with information the impacts of the digital transformation are felt in all areas, but surely interaction with costumers is...
Amanda Mourão,
6 years ago
1 min read