Innovation, creativity, and seamless execution are key to standing out in the fast-evolving landscape of financial services. While Link Consulting has long been a trusted name in providing cutting-edge technology and strategic solutions for this industry, there’s another piece to the puzzle that’s driving success in ways that go beyond tech. Enter Link101, the game-changing agency within the Link Group that, among other type of companies, is truly reshaping the way financial services communicate with their audience – through engaging, memorable experiences that people love.

Creativity meets financial expertise

Financial services often require a delicate balance between accuracy, simplicity, and appeal. The combination of Link Consulting’s technical prowess and Link101’s creativity has proven to be a winning formula. Together, we create synergies that blend deep industry knowledge with innovative strategies, allowing clients to convey even the most complex financial products in a way that resonates with diverse audiences.

Link101 offers a broad range of services, from concept development, branding, and UX/UI design to full-scale advertising campaigns across digital and traditional platforms. Whether it’s building a powerful chatbot, designing an intuitive website, creating eye-catching visuals, developing a customer-facing app or running multi-channel marketing campaigns, Link101 brings ideas to life with a flair for innovation.

Let’s take a closer look at two examples of how it has delivered creative solutions in the financial services sector, turning complex challenges into successful, high-impact campaigns.

Bison Bank – Simplifying complex financial products for global audiences

When Bison Bank, a leading player in wealth management and investment services, needed to launch a series of campaigns to communicate their range of complex financial products, they turned to Link101. The challenge? How to make topics like golden visas and term deposits easy to understand while appealing to audiences from different countries.

For the Brazilian market, Link101 developed a humorous yet clear campaign around the golden visa program. The timing of the campaign aligned with Portugal’s potential reforms on this policy, adding complexity to the messaging. Yet, Link101 cleverly crafted an ad that stood out: “Thinking about changing countries? Even if it’s a one-way ticket, you’ll love the returns.”

This catchy, simple, and effective messaging allowed Bison Bank to navigate this dynamic moment and engage potential investors.

Another standout project involved marketing term deposits to international clients, with several compelling headlines.

The copy combined wit and clarity, resulting in high engagement and client acquisition in English-speaking markets like the US.

Link101 also handled the launch campaign for Bison Bank’s first product in the Portuguese market, “DP Bison Bank Rendimento Premium,” focused also on term deposits. The challenge was to make the concept of savings with profitability engaging and easy to understand. A dedicated landing page was created to highlight the product’s unique value, enhancing client conversion.

This case highlights how Link101’s creativity can transform intricate financial products into convincing, digestible content that resonates across borders.

Standard Gestão de Ativos – A unique digital journey in African markets

Standard Gestão de Ativos (SGA), an Angolan asset management firm part of the largest financial services organization on the African continent, and the first institution in the country to provide a 100% digital experience to their clients. To help them stand out in the financial market, Link101 delivered a tailored approach that started with redesigning their website to offer a unique, seamless and intuitive user journey, including the innovative idea of reversing the scroll to guide users through the site – a creative twist symbolizing their mission of leading clients toward the best investments in Africa, being their GPS and democratizing access to the capital market.

Additionally, Link101 crafted an impactful social media strategy, blending consistency with a variety of formats, contents and platforms. The result? Growing communities on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, driving awareness and engagement. SGA now stands as a model of how creativity can elevate financial services.

A vision for the future

These examples underscore how Link101, in synergy with Link Consulting, drives transformation in the sector by creating human-centered, creative solutions. Their work is about connecting with people, simplifying complexities, and crafting stories that engage, inspire, and convert.

In an industry known for its formality, Link101 proves that creativity has a place – and a powerful impact – in financial services, being the force behind some of the sector’s most successful initiatives.

Get an idea of what the team does, and feel free to challenge them for something they never did before.