Link Summer Internships IST
The strong and long lasting partnership between Link and IST is over for more than 20 years. In order to reinforce it continuously, we receive every year, IST young students from a wide variety of degrees to whom we give…
EPAL and Digital Transformation
EPAL’s digital transformation also involves the dematerialization and digital simplification of processes, based on edoclink. Starting a first phase by focusing in the dematerialization of the daily workflow, in the exchange of documentation with Customers, in the scanning of invoices…
Remote working: Process Dematerialization Challenge
Anywhere,at any given time, the access to company information has gained particularly importance in the context of the current pandemic. In this context, the dematerialization of processes is a fundamental component and an integral part of the digital transformation process,…
Teams and edoclink, the future of digital workplace
Link’s Commercial Process supported on Microsoft Teams and edoclink Nowadays, when many of the Organization’s employees work remotely, Microsoft Teams has proved to be a huge advantage in collaborative terms. However, Teams’ default features do not facilitate the adoption of…
Be prepared for the future with edoclink Enterprise
What is edoclink Enterprise An “all in one” solution that allows all your information to flow digitally and your processes to be fully automated, It facilitates collaborative work, the systematization of operations and the entire digital management of the information…
Maintaining Customer Loyalty Cutting Costs by Automation
Link Consulting, experts in integration and a long-standing partner of Kong, a leading API and service control platform, is helping customers accelerate their journey to Microservices and enable organizations to engage their customers in new and innovative ways, significantly reducing…
CRM acceptance test for one the largest payment company
Link Consulting’s testing team is the new partner of the payment company in the testing strategy for its new unique customer service system. Using Omini Chanel’s strategies, the payment company now centralizes its CRM data in a new system which…
Maritime Equipment Directive on the Cloud
As contracted by the European Maritime and Security Agency (EMSA), our company, Link Consulting, have developed a new EU Marine Equipment Directive (EU MED) Digital System hosted and operated in Microsoft Azure cloud. The new EU MED cloud based EMSA…
Linkcom reinforces infrastructure and Cloud offerings
Alerted to the global situation in the state of emergency declared in the country, Linkcom immediately designed a complete contingency plan for its customers. Ensure and deliver all its activities for an indefinite time period. Strengthening its infrastructure, provisioning in…